
Blackstrap Molasses

Blackstrap molasses is the dark brown, syrupy byproduct of the process of refining sugar cane into sugar. It is made from the third boiling of the sugar syrup and is therefore a concentrated byproduct that contains significant levels of important minerals.

Blackstrap molasses is a somewhat healthy sweetener that has a bittersweet flavor used in gingerbread and baked beans. It is high in important minerals such as calcium, iron, copper, potassium, magnesium and manganese. Blackstrap molasses has long been sold as a health food supplement, many people advocate drinking a tablespoon of the molasses in a cup of hot water, often adding a little lemon juice. Be sure to wash it down with some water though to protect your teeth from it's still quite high sugar content.

Blackstrap molasses can be used in baked beans, cookies and other sweet foods, a variety of breads and gingerbread and as a glaze for meat. If you have a sweet tooth, but would prefer some nutrition in your sweets rather than just sugar, maybe you should try a blackstrap molasses recipe.


Recipes using blackstrap molasses

More Information - good information on benefits of using blackstrap molasses in your diet. - a little information on blackstrap molasses and a list of some brands, with their nutritional profile. Also some discussion with users on the health benefits.