Banana Bread Recipe - butter, bicarbonate of soda, banana, eggs, sugar, lemon juice, flour The best banana bread ever , super floffy and just amazing flavor, and very easy to make. surely five stars. Serving Size: 1 (109) g Servings Per Recipe: 8 AMT. PER SERVING % DAILY VALUE Calories: ...
| Uncream Puff Roll Recipe butter, eggs, salt, water, flour I want to recreat the roll we have from the restaurant, it crusty from the outside and taste similar like pastry choux( cream puff shell, not so crusty but still taste good, and soft, yummy Preheat ov...
| Banana Bread Recipe - banana, eggs, salt, baking powder, fat, sugar, flour This is as basic a banana bread as you can make, but it's so delicious. I originally got this recipe when I was working on my library degree many years ago. It was first published in a government ...
| whole wheat spaetzle Recipe | SparkRecipes wholewheat flour, eggs, salt, milk spaetzle made with whole wheat flour mix dough, should be like very thick pancake batter use spaetzle press/machine to drop bits of dough into boiling water. they are done when they float Serving Size...
| Popovers Recipe butter, eggs, salt, vegetable fat spread, milk, flour A nice light change from breakfast or dinner rolls. You can add ingredients to give them a delicious flavor. Preheat oven to 400F, 180C, Gas Mark 5 Grease 10 custard cups or muffin tin (do not use cu...
| Tirdags Fastelavnskager-Shrove Tuesday Crumpets Recipe - eggs, salt, sugar, milk, flour Posted for ZWT6. This is a Danish recipe. Serving Size: 1 (183) g Servings Per Recipe: 2 AMT. PER SERVING % DAILY VALUE Calories: 753.2 Calories from Fat 140 g 19 % Total Fat 15.6 g 24 % Saturat...
| Butter Topping for Coffee Cake Recipe - butter, vanilla, eggs, salt, baking powder, sugar, flour This recipe is from Florence Popp, from the cookbook Heritage of Cooking A Collection of Recipes from East Perry County, Missouri. To find out more about this cookbook read the description from the fi...
| Popovers Recipe - oil, eggs, salt, milk, flour This is my grandma's recipe. She makes these for breakfast at least once a week. These are savory and delicious and best served with butter. I hope your family loves them as much as mine does. Ser...
| Banana Bread Recipe - butter, sweetener, bicarbonate of soda, banana, eggs, baking powder, flour This is based on JoAnna Lund's Best Banana Bread recipe from her cookbook 'Cooking Healthy with Splenda'. Serving Size: 1 (65) g Servings Per Recipe: 8 AMT. PER SERVING % DAILY VALUE Ca...
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